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The Anxiety of Doing Less

The Anxiety of Doing Less

Summertime is when we grant ourselves greater permission to take it easier. Maybe it's just that the heat slows us down, or our bodies forever remember summer vacations from school, but somehow we've collectively agreed that July and August mean it's okay to Do Less.

As someone in the business of helping people Do Less in their mind-body-selves I am in full support of this seasonal credo. However as we age, a sneaking mistrust of the ease this practice affords can overtake us.

Stair Master

Stair Master

Using the Alexander Technique to Improve Stair Climbing Skillz

Whether you're living out your own personal Rocky Balboa "Eye of the Tiger" montage, the elevator to your 9th floor office is out of service, or you have to transfer from the A/C/E to the N/Q/R at Times Square, tackling multiple flights of stairs can be physically demanding for anyone. Here’s how to apply the Alexander Technique to take you from Stair Novice to Stair Master in 5 Simple Steps (pun intended).

New Fall Smoothie for Alternative Happy Hour

Redefining Posture - Alexader Technique - Happy Hour - Bushwick

Trying to break  the ol' after work drinks at the bar routine? Introducing the new Apple Pie Smoothie as part of Alternative Happy Hour on Wednesday evenings at my Bushwick studio from 5-8pm.  Share an hour long Alexander Technique lesson with a friend, and enjoy this delicious "seasonally appropriate" smoothie while you're at it. A relaxing and nourishing way to change up your 5 o'clock habits. $30 per person. Book your happy hour today by emailing me at *Smoothie designed by health coach Patrizia Hernandez of La Vita Wellness.

Failure and the Alexander Technique

Failure and the Alexander Technique

My Love Affair With the F Word

I wanted to write about why failure is an essential element in any Alexander Technique practice, but everything I wrote seemed overly complicated and wordy. I was having a difficult time trying to squeeze out a decent draft from what I had, until I remembered to practice the very thing I was preaching.

The way I was writing wasn’t working, so instead of charging forward without changing anything, I stopped. I let go of the familiar tension that had built up over the process of banging out the first draft, released my neck and back, and allowed myself to grow into more of my full expansiveness. I let my breathing open up, and I acknowledged the support of the ground. I wiped the slate clean and started over.

Life's a Beach

Life's a Beach

Just before beginning my Alexander Technique teacher training, I recurrently imagined myself on a tropical beach trying to grab on to a fistful of dry powdery sand. If you’ve ever done this, you know that truly dry sand will just run out of your fist, as it did in my imagination. You may be able to retain a small amount, but the majority will escape through whatever openings your hand provides.


By the end of my Alexander Technique teacher training the image had evolved into scooping up a handful of sand and letting it sift through my fingers, appreciating its texture and warmth. I was also able to imagine more of the environment around me. Instead of focusing all of my attention on the fistful of sand, I could smell the sea breeze, see the clear blue water, and hear the comforting sound of the waves rolling on to shore.

The Lie Down Album is Here!

I'm thrilled to announce that my new all digital lie down album has arrived!

At just under two hours of content, each of the 10 awesome tracks explores a different aspect of the Alexander Technique.

From topics like Efficiency to Perspective, this album will help you uncover your release and reorganize your musculature like a pro : )

Guided Lie Down in Washington Square Park, NYC

Guided Lie Down in Washington Square Park, NYC

The Alexander Technique teachers at Julliard call lie downs "self lessons" because they are by far the best way to supplement, maximize, and renew the benefits you get from your private lessons. I personally have to do my lie downs every day, or else I tend to get totally bound up with tension and anxiety.

But it always really helps to have an outside person/voice to guide you through.

So check out the preview tracks below, and then pop over to the Shop and download your digital copy for only $12!

<3 Ariel

P.S. I'd love to hear your feedback in the comments below!